This is the team that is behind these proposals.

Luis Ignacio González

  • Place of residence: Iruña/Pamplona
  • Cycling project developer.
  • Computer Program Developer / Designer of "Rural Integrated solutions for rural development in the geographical environment" for two Navarrian-based companies; Geomedios and COLS & SOL.
  • Administrator of the following cycling websites:,,, and
  • Cycling practitioner in almost all styles since 2005
  • 20 years’ experience as a filmmaker, photographer and programmer at TX Instalaciones Multimédia S.L.
  • Personal web curriculum of the development of audiovisual projects: Diaporama digital
  • Foundation and direction for 18 years of the company TX Instalaciones Multimédia S.L.
    Fundamental participation in all the productions that can be visualized in this LINK. "Frozen" version of the portfolio of the company's old website (already closed).



Jorge Vaquero Ollero

  • Place of residence: Iruña/Pamplona
  • Master en Administración y gestión de entidades y empresas deportivas (UPV)
  • Fitness specialist at university level in initiation and sports performance
  • Teaching degree in physical education.
  • Active since 2002 in the field of physical training and personal training and in sports management at sports facilities and private gyms.
  • Avid touring cyclist, running, mountain skiing, surfing and climbing.

